I thought that was really nicely written. I’m gender critical but I think we need to read and understand this issue from all sides. All parents just care about their kids and want the best. Personally, I think it’s really important to reinforce with kids, especially girls, that our bodies are wonderful but also something to be respected and cared for to make sure that we have the best chance at living a long a d healthy life.
I'm keeping this comment because it shows the kind of engagement I'm willing to allow: disagreement that is still respectful and in good faith. I'm deleting every other transphobic comment. I can't control what any of you say in your own spaces, but Myth Takes is a queer- and trans-friendly space.
I’m gender critical too and just want to say how much I appreciate your reply and the idea that the previous comment can be part of a “queer and trans friendly space.” It would be beyond bizarre to leave some sort of hateful comment on a post about a mother loving and trying her best to do right by her child. Unfortunately lots of people in my camp have lost control of themselves and their narrative and veer into inappropriate behavior online. But there are lots of others who not only tolerate but welcome respectful disagreement and it’s frustrating for those people to be painted with a broad “bigot” brush when it’s just not true.
Let me get this straight, women who believe that biology is real, that objective reality exists, and that there are only two sexes, men and women, are evil? If this is the case, have you done a quick calculation to understand how many "evil" people there are in the world?
warning: I deleted the troll, but this is a trans-friendly space and this comment is treading extremely close to the line. You're welcome here if you can continue to engage with open-mindedness and respect.
Thank you for sharing so many difficult but important topics and beautifully articulated ideas in all your newsletters. This one shows how tough parenting is but is joyful and hopeful too.
Wow, what an open and amazing share that your family is undergoing. Parenting is complicated and foreboding enough, even from an outside perspective like mine. To be in it, with all its constantly changing variables, and adding gender identity as a multiplier, what a high wire to negotiate honestly and openly! And regarding the letter that you wrote to your daughter, are you able to discuss how she felt about sharing such a deeply personal letter with your substack audience here? Clearly it is bound to be of great help to families in similar parenting positions.
Actually, I still haven't shared it with her. She's sort of the notional audience for it, in the way that sometimes a poem is addressed to a notional audience but can resonate more broadly too, and I hope that this letter does that as well. I think I wrote it more for myself than actually for her.
At the time I communicated with her mostly through actual conversations, which felt less static and better suited to her age and maturity. And then it felt weird to give her something I wrote a long time ago for a younger version of herself. I'll share it with her when it feels right!
I thought that was really nicely written. I’m gender critical but I think we need to read and understand this issue from all sides. All parents just care about their kids and want the best. Personally, I think it’s really important to reinforce with kids, especially girls, that our bodies are wonderful but also something to be respected and cared for to make sure that we have the best chance at living a long a d healthy life.
I'm keeping this comment because it shows the kind of engagement I'm willing to allow: disagreement that is still respectful and in good faith. I'm deleting every other transphobic comment. I can't control what any of you say in your own spaces, but Myth Takes is a queer- and trans-friendly space.
I’m gender critical too and just want to say how much I appreciate your reply and the idea that the previous comment can be part of a “queer and trans friendly space.” It would be beyond bizarre to leave some sort of hateful comment on a post about a mother loving and trying her best to do right by her child. Unfortunately lots of people in my camp have lost control of themselves and their narrative and veer into inappropriate behavior online. But there are lots of others who not only tolerate but welcome respectful disagreement and it’s frustrating for those people to be painted with a broad “bigot” brush when it’s just not true.
Let me get this straight, women who believe that biology is real, that objective reality exists, and that there are only two sexes, men and women, are evil? If this is the case, have you done a quick calculation to understand how many "evil" people there are in the world?
warning: I deleted the troll, but this is a trans-friendly space and this comment is treading extremely close to the line. You're welcome here if you can continue to engage with open-mindedness and respect.
And don't feed the trolls!
Thank you for sharing so many difficult but important topics and beautifully articulated ideas in all your newsletters. This one shows how tough parenting is but is joyful and hopeful too.
Wow, what an open and amazing share that your family is undergoing. Parenting is complicated and foreboding enough, even from an outside perspective like mine. To be in it, with all its constantly changing variables, and adding gender identity as a multiplier, what a high wire to negotiate honestly and openly! And regarding the letter that you wrote to your daughter, are you able to discuss how she felt about sharing such a deeply personal letter with your substack audience here? Clearly it is bound to be of great help to families in similar parenting positions.
Actually, I still haven't shared it with her. She's sort of the notional audience for it, in the way that sometimes a poem is addressed to a notional audience but can resonate more broadly too, and I hope that this letter does that as well. I think I wrote it more for myself than actually for her.
At the time I communicated with her mostly through actual conversations, which felt less static and better suited to her age and maturity. And then it felt weird to give her something I wrote a long time ago for a younger version of herself. I'll share it with her when it feels right!